Ko2 Tamil Movie : Ko 2 is an upcoming Tamil political thriller written and directed by Sarath, who earlier worked as associate director for Unnaipol Oruvan and Billa II. The film is being produced by Elred Kumar and features Bobby Simha and Nikki Galrani in the leading roles, while Prakash Raj reprises his role from the first film. A stand-alone sequel to the successful 2011 film Ko, the film is likely to release in early 2016.
Ko2 Movie New Poster Released States April Release :
Ko2 Tamil Movie New Poster: Ko2 stars Bobby Simha and Prakash Raj in lead roles coming on April as a single release. The political thriller movie written and directed by Sarath while it is produced by Elred Kumar under the banner RS Infotainment.
The popular film Ko featured Jiiva on 2011 received huge success following that producer decided to make the sequel but totally with different cast and crews. Ko is directed by K.V. Anand and it is crew was entirely different from its sequel. It is coming up as a single release on April while Assembly election is nearing.
Nikki Galrani making a female lead while Bala Saravanan makes the supporting role in the film. Music composed by Leon James (Kanchana 2 fame). His forthcoming projects are Kavalai Vendham and Veera. Audio of the movie was launched last year and received positive response.